TYPE Roman Empire, Hadrian (117-138 AD), billon tetradrachm of Alexandria (Egypt)
Obv: Laureate draped bust of Hadrian to right as viwed from behind, traces of Greek legend
Rev: Hadrian standing, togate with scepter, receiving grain ears from Alexandria, who holds standard, legend: L IE (reg. yr. 15 = 130/1 AD)
REFERENCE: SGI 1257, Mil 1294-6 (1303), BMC 669, Kol 1026-8, Dat 1267, Cur 409-12
GRADING: F+, porous w/ specks of corrosion (a larger one above forehead)
ORDER INFO: R1663, $68
This type commemorates Hadrian's visit to Egypt in 130 AD, and underscores this province's traditional role as the "breadbasket of the empire" with the symbolic reverse scene.