TYPE Ancient Greece, Thasos, island off Thrace, after 148 BC, silver tetradrachm
Obv: Head of young Dionysos, wreathed with ivy
Rev: Nude Herakles with lion skin and club, standing to l., monogram, Greek legend IRAKLEOUS SOTIROS [TH]ASION ("of Herakles, saviour of the Thasians")
GRADING: AVF, some surface problems
ORDER INFO: G1708, $95
A very popular Greek type, evem though it is essentially a Roman-produced coin. In fact, it's popularity ran high even back then, when it was widely imitated by the Danubian Celts of the Thracian interior. In an apparent continuum of cruder (or more stylized) artistic renditions it is hard to determine exactly where is the divider lies, though this specimen is certainly of the finer, "original" style.